Cordyceps Knowledge Hub

Unveiling Nature’s Secrets – Your Comprehensive Resource for Cordyceps Wisdom.


Exercise and energy.

Cordyceps may help improve your athletic ability or performance by increasing cellular ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels. ATP molecules store energy in the body, releasing it for use in small increments. Because it’s been used as a remedy for weakness/fatigue, people experiencing altitude sickness have been given Cordyceps.

Anti-tumor activity.

The National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine’s publication, “Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects 2nd Edition,” tells us that cordycepin, a bioactive component of Cordyceps, is what gives Cordyceps its ability to inhibit metastasis in tumor cells and makes it a potentially useful co-therapeutic treatment for some cancers.

Traditional Chinese Medicine.

For hundreds of years, practitioners of TCM have used Cordyceps to treat conditions including liver or renal problems, respiratory diseases, hyperglycemia, and cancer or tumor disorders. In 1964 it was officially classified as a drug in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Boosts libido

Cordyceps are also known as ‘Himalayan virga’. Male and female sexual dysfunction, including pain disorders and lack of arousal, desire, or orgasm, have long been treated with Cordyceps in TCM. A study reported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) acknowledges that many report successful treatment of sexual dysfunction with Cordyceps, anecdotally but this success is unproven scientifically. It also reported that Cordyceps supplements did increase the total sperm number, percentage of motile (moving) sperm cells, and serum testosterone.

Regulates blood sugar.

Cordyceps, like many mushrooms, contain vanadium, a trace mineral that may behave like insulin in the body, or boost insulin’s effectiveness.

Eases inflammation

Because Cordyceps contain antioxidants, consuming them may help ease inflammation. If you are experiencing inflammation, you might benefit from trying an anti-inflammatory diet.


The mountain communities in Bhutan say it is their ‘gift from the sky’: God rewarding them finally for their long toil in beautiful but forbidding high mountain conditions. In Bhutan, it is only the highlanders from Bumthang, Wangdue Phodrang, Gasa, Paro, Thimphu, Lhuntse, and Trashi Yangtse are eligible to pick cordyceps.



The eligible citizens are allowed to harvest and sell Cordyceps on condition that they do it on a sustainable basis: long-term sustainability is the focus during the cordyceps harvest. The highlanders are allowed to collect cordyceps only for a month during the season between May and June every year. The harvest duration was set based on scientific research. Bhutan has one of the most stringent regulations regarding the harvest of Cordyceps Sinensis. Local officials and forestry service workers oversee the entire process. They are on the lookout for poachers and outsiders who are involved in the illegal trade of the country’s most prized crop.

In the highlands of Bhutan, highlanders were once dependent on rearing livestock such as yak and sheep but most now make a living by gathering cordyceps. The collection of cordyceps has contributed to improving the living standard of many highlanders. Today the rare fungus has emerged as the main source of income for many herding families.

Perfect For

Special Occassion

Highlanders living in Gasa, Bumthang, Thimphu, Paro, and Trongsa will be permitted if they have their household number (tram) registered with the Gewog Administrator. A maximum of three people per household can register for the collection of the crop. The harvest of Cordyceps Sinensis is forbidden for civil servants and children under the age of twelve. To avoid conflicts of interest, the nomads are also given a particular harvesting boundary.

Today most of the women have gained financial independence, hence the social empowerment and youth have returned to the mountains ‘their native home’ to mine the gold, a lucrative cordyceps business. Numerous studies conducted in Bhutan show that the income generated from a month-long cordyceps collection significantly surpasses the earnings from a full year of yak farming. This transition has brought about transformative changes in herding communities, altering their lifestyles and economic dynamics.


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Taking supplement cordyceps capsules per day helps to prevent the spread of degenerative cell destruction. These capsules are perfect energy boosters. I can now work all day without being exhausted and hungry. Especially when you take on an empty stomach first thing in the morning energy level is an 8.